The year 2020 has been a serious challenge for the Church of Jesus Christ in Lusenke Kayunga, Eastern Uganda. It has been a year of torrential rain and flooding, mosquito infestation [malaria], crop failure, and Corona virus with nationwide shutdown and social distancing causing inability to travel by any means. Churches have been forbidden to gather from January through August and then only with facemasks and social distancing. Because of the destruction of our Church house during the flooding, we were forced to meet in the Primary School structure which survived the flooding. Because of the generosity of American donners through N.T.F.I/Bibles for Uganda who provided food, mosquito nets, clothing, and construction of a new house for an elder whose home was near to collapse, the Church began to grow rapidly with the addition of 35 new conversions and families. Please visit the following links to view the photo links to this challenging history.


Gospel of salvation preached


Church gathering in village school house


Three new converts


Dedication to Christ


New converts with families

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New converts

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Bible distribution

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Our purpose————Bibles for Uganda in the Luganda language


New reading glasses from America

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Nile baptisms

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Child baptized after receiving Jesus

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Buried with Christ——-raised to the newness of LIFE

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Baptism group at the Nile River—-Lusenke Kayunga Uganda

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Oh happy day

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More children believe in Jesus

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Meal time African style

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Take a look at the new home we are buildig for our dear friend and brother Bishop/Pastor Bita [Jimmy].

Donations of any amount appreciated——go to PayPal at bottom of page ——-scroll down


Click on “participate” to help us raise 750 dollars for new native language “Luganda” Bibles ———15 dollars each. PayPal available. Danny McDowell Chairman New Testament Fellowship International/Bibles for Uganda Trinity North Carolina 27370