Dear mom,
Hope you are doing a little beter these days. We had a very succesful and exciting trip to Lusenke on Monday when we went with Joshua to pay for a piece of property for that village saints. It was all joy and excitment both from the church and us after paying for that piece of property in the memory of my dear dad [the late Ronald Shelton]. The property is along the village highway which makes it easy to acces by everyone. This place will serve a lot of people who will be comming to worship and to learn God's word. Lusenke village near the shores of lake Victoria about half a km to the lake. The leading team told me that they have already begin to clear the property. Mom, the joy this saints have is just too much beyond my explanation. They are singing and dancing with great joy. The church is now under full leadership of NTFI/BFU, We have named it (THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST AT LUSENKE) And We will do whatever is required to ensure that they are deeply rooted in the truth. Son Jimmy
I started my journey early in the morning on Saturday 17th Boading the first taxi (14 passager van) from Entebbe to Kampala. Then a scond one from Kampala to Bugiri town, then a boda-boda to Namayingo our final destination in a village church house where I had the ground work meeting with the organizing team.
I arive at 11:00am and found when the pastors and elders had already arived from diferent villages and sub-counties. It was a great pleasure and joy for all of them to recieve me. We then started our meeting right away. After dedicating our meeting into the hands of God in a short prayers, three pastors stood up to testify/give a good report to the team about BFU and their teachings. They talk about the way brother Danny, pr Jimmy and Joshua blessed their lives and opened their eyes last year by their deep explanations and detailed teachings of scriptures with much love. They also mentioned the unbelieveble and special consideration to poor pastors and Church leaders who don't have and those who have very old and delapidated bibles by NTFI/BFU and gave each of them a very high quality brand new bibles. This ministry has challenged them a lot to always spend time in studying the scriptures by themselve in order for them to have the rightful knowlage of the truth of God's word and that is the reason why they have been praying to God for another opportunity to host BFU conference.