A number of years ago, we at Bibles for Uganda, constructed a village church house in a remote village in Eastern Uganda far from paved roads and cities. The Church at Lusenke met at a very small thatched pole building. Having been informed by our associate in Uganda, and viewing the photos that he sent along with the sad news that the owner of that property had asked this small assembly of Christians to vacate the property, ae at Bibles for Uganda began to raise money to construct a village style building to worship in. Many wonderful things happened in that place. I will post the history of that worship center.
Over the years this small village Church has endured many tribulations——-DROUGHT——-FAMINE—-TORRENTIAL RAINS——CURRENCY DEVALUATION————MALARIA———TYPHOID. The latest has been serious flooding and torrential rains which has caused irreparable damage to the church house and school. Below is a report of that catastrophe, yet the worshipers survive and still trust God. This is why we are presenting this story.
Floor inside the flooded church house. The walls are collapsing.
New beginning with a new foundation which is floodproof.
First load of large stone for foundation base
Materials for concrete foundation.
Mixing the concrete
Adding concrete layer to foundation mold. We are laying the foundation around the outer perimeter of the remaining flooded church house.